
Good products, poor sales?

You have good products to sell on Amazon. You’ve struck convenient deals with suppliers and taken professional-quality photos. You’ve also worked out what appears to be a sound marketing strategy. However, despite all this, your products do not seem to be selling as much as you expected.

How come?

The following are the three causes we believe may be behind your unsatisfactory sales. Let’s take a look and figure out what to do about them together.

Your Amazon listing is not well optimized

The first reason is that your Amazon listing may not be well optimized. But what does this mean?

Briefly, optimizing a listing means making sure it is suitable for marketplace search and that it has all the essential elements, such as:

  • Title: this is the most important part of your listing, considering that it is the starting point for search results. Use your best keywords in the title to make it as easy as possible for buyers to find your listing. Remember that Amazon allows up to 250 characters, so you should use them all. On the other hand, however, you should avoid making it too rigid. When you write the headline think of the buyer, and not the Amazon bot. Capitalize the first letter of each word, write numbers as digits, and omit symbols, prices, and quantities.
  • Images: you can load up to nine images, including the main one, sized 1000 x 500 px. Make sure the photos are able to tell the story of your product. Show the item from various viewpoints as well as how people would use it in their lives.
  • Key features: bullet points are fundamental. They help outline the main features of the product in an orderly and concise manner. As a general rule, use between 4 and 6.
  • Price: when pricing your product, look at what your competitors are doing. In general, it can be helpful to avoid extremes. Too low a price can be associated with poor quality, while too high a price makes it difficult to sell.
  • Product description: contrary to what many people think, this is the least important part compared to the previous ones. Hardly any buyer bothers to read it all. Filling out this field is however essential. One of the best ways to do it is by using Enhanced Brand Content. This will allow you to integrate video, graphics, and text.

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You don’t have enough reviews

According to research, more than 90% of shoppers say they check reviews. More than 80 percent place as much trust in them as they would in a personal product recommendation.

In a nutshell, reviews matter, and they are doing so in an increasingly important manner. They are the best way to convey trust, honesty, and a good reputation to buyers, reassuring them that they are making the right choice by purchasing your product.

In addition, positive reviews help improve your visibility in search rankings. Actually, given when all other characteristics are equal, products with fewer reviews and/or fewer stars will rank lower. Furthermore, those with more reviews and/or a high number of stars will climb the search results list.

Then again, there is little to be surprised about. Amazon wants its buyers to be satisfied. Therefore, it will do everything in its power to steer them towards those products that tend to be more reliable and of better quality.

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You underestimated non-organic sources

The last thing we recommend you do is work on non-organic sources. Especially, on pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, which direct buyers to the product page. For this work to be done effectively (campaigns are not free!), it is crucial that the ads are seen by the right recipients.

Start by calculating the advertising cost of sales (ACOS) so that you spend the right amount of money. You can tally the ACOS by dividing the total ad expenditure by the number of attributed sales. In general, in order to achieve a good balance between sales and profits, it should be between 20 and 25 percent.

Next, examine the keywords you are using. First, identify the keywords that show your listings. Then cross-check against the list of the most searched keywords with the highest conversions. Your ACOS will provide you with data on search volume and user conversion rates for these keywords, which you should use to filter your spending to see which ones take up the most money.

Finally, set your budget on a daily basis and adjust it to change throughout the day. Try to increase your spending during the evening/night hours, when a greater number of people are more likely to see it. Decrease it during the early hours, when there are not as many people online.

We hope these brief tips have helped you. Let us know if you improve your Amazon sales!

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