
Write best Amazon Product Descriptions

One of the most important activities that every good Amazon seller should do for success on the marketplace is write the best product descriptions possible.

Think about it for a moment. The product description is the first thing buyers read when they reach the landing page. Furthermore, it is usually also the first and only chance to convince them to buy.

If you agree with this, then you’ll also agree that the product description is one of the aspects on which you should spend your best efforts in the selling process on Amazon.

But how can you achieve satisfactory results?

The following are the top 5 tips that will help you create the perfect Amazon product description!

Know your target audience

The first tip we want to give you is related to the need to learn more about your target audience.

Before you begin writing, it is essential to think about who will buy your product. Imagine who they are, why they are buying it and how they will use it. The more you can find out about these three aspects, the better.

Now, assuming (and hoping!) that you have done extensive market research on these issues, it is likely that you already have an idea of your target audience. However, it’s best not to leave anything to chance. In fact, you should go searching for more detailed information.  Consult reviews of current products. Inquire through blogs, videos, and social media populated by people using similar products, and so on.

Based on the results you obtain from this analysis and study phase, you will be able to extrapolate the most useful information and adapt the product description accordingly.

In short, before writing the description, it is crucial to keep in mind who will be reading it. Only in this way, will it be possible to properly decline the language, general tone and relevant information on the product sheet.

Study Amazon’s rules well

In addition to knowing your target audience, before writing descriptions on product sheets, it is also fundamental to know the rules of the marketplaceSo, carefully read the guidelines posted on the platform.

First and foremost, remember that the purpose of the product description is to give the customer a good understanding of the product sold. Keeping this basic element in mind, it will be easier to understand that all the rules that follow are inspired by and in line with this principle.

For example, in the product description there can be no indication of:

  • Availability
  • Conditions
  • Reviews or testimonials
  • Promotional materials
  • HTML code.

That being said, it is clear that sellers who write any content in their product descriptions such as limited quantity left or perhaps include snippets of reviews and testimonials from other customers, are taking a big risk. In fact, Amazon may notice and go so far as to delete the product sheet and suspend the account.

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Write simply and directly

Having understood the importance of carefully studying the target audience and Amazon’s rules, we can move on to the next step. Let’s get to the heart of the job of writing product descriptions by sharing a main cue. It is better to prioritize quality over quantity.

Remember that potential buyers want to immediately read all the most important information about the product, presented in a clear and concise manner.

It’s better to get straight to the point. So, avoid using too many adjectives and language that could be redundant.

Of course, even this basic rule has exceptions. Or, rather, it needs to be adapted on a case-by-case basis to the product being sold. In fact, the description for an ordinary 5 euro product could be particularly brief. On the other hand, it could be longer and more in-depth if it’s a particularly complex and expensive technological product.

In short, it is good to strike a balance between providing only essential information and the risk of overdoing it.

Exploiting the EBC

If you have a product or brand that has a particularly strong story that you struggle to convey within a standard product description, you may well consider using Enhanced Brand Content (EBC). But what is it all about?

The EBC is an Amazon feature that allows you to choose from several static design templates that add more images and text to the listing. It is an ideal approach to illustrate the benefits of one’s products while simultaneously increasing conversions. Hardly surprising, given that buyers can find out more about the product and, consequently, make more informed purchasing decisions.

Don’t forget keywords

We conclude our tips for writing great Amazon product descriptions that convert, with an invitation to not forget the importance of keywords in the description.

Nonetheless, you must also be careful not to overload the product description with keywords, because exaggeration will not help. Instead, try to maintain as natural a tone as possible.

An effective way to do this is to take four or five high-traffic keywords and create bullet points around them. By doing so, the product description will please two stakeholders contemporarily: Amazon’s algorithm and, above all, your customers.

So, follow our tips and start writing great product descriptions on Amazon!

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